Our Founders
Lafenwa Popoola is the CEO and Clinical Director of Elapop Rehab & Wellness Centre.
My philosophy of care is based on holistic approach, eclectic model and endeavour to 4-5 paradigms i.e Physical and Rehabilitation therapy, Acupuncture, Auricular & Scalp acupuncture.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Psychotherapy, Reflexology and Masotherapy to ensure holistic approach towards health care delivery and total well being.
We are also consulting with schools, juvenile courts, and other communities agencies.
We provide both clinical and psychological help and support with family and persional problems.
All these are to establish pro-active care and high standard of care delivery in Integrative medicine, Physical and Rehabilitation medicine and Complementary and Alternative medicine requires by commission for Health improvement.
I have got opportunity to work in various places like that of Tokyo – Japan, as a Rhodoraku Acupuncturist at Deen House and Wellness Centre.
Certified Research Fellow on Intestinal Parasites among Pre-schoolers at National America Research Unit (NAMRU) Manila – Philippines.
Research Fellow – Rigshospitalet, Patologi Institute. Danish Cancer Research Centre. Kobehavn – Denmark,.
Clinical Team Leader – Kingsbury Hospital, Pope Lane NW9 London .U.K e.t.a
This involved Clinical Supervision & Appraisal, weekly Treatment Planning and Therapeutic Working Day, LLLT, Occupational and Physio Therapy, Energy Spectrun and delegating tasks appropriately according to the preferences, abilities and capacities of staff.
Over the year of practicing, I have acquired and developed knowwlegde and skills, which has enabled me to be a good Practitioner and Rehab Specialist also improve my interpersonal commmunication with clients, collegues and other members of the MDT.
I have also always demonstrated good leadership and clinical skills anytime.
National Projects:
- Elapop rehab team in conjunction with National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Kwara state command carried out seminars with NAPPMED in all sixteen local government councils Kwara state on the role of patient medicine dealers in the prevention of illicit traffic and consumption of psychotropic substances under national control.
It is one of the preventive strategies being adopted by Our Team to eliminate the demand for illicit drugs with view to reduce human suffering.
- Elapop rehab team in conjunction with National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Kwara state command carried out seminars with NAPPMED in all sixteen local government councils Kwara state on the role of patient medicine dealers in the prevention of illicit traffic and consumption of psychotropic substances under national control.
- Our health promotion Team planned a joint initiative with the NDLEA Kaduna state and Youth Focus Initiative Ado Ekiti state.
This will produce an awareness raising video for young people on disable and mental health issues and where to go for help.
- Our health promotion Team planned a joint initiative with the NDLEA Kaduna state and Youth Focus Initiative Ado Ekiti state.
- Last year has also seen the completion of Anti Drug Campaign in Ekiti and Kaduna states sponsored by the state NDLEA respectively.
As well as establishing mental health awareness and counseling skills training for local community groups, the project also carried out research, collated resources and made recommendations on future service provision.
- Last year has also seen the completion of Anti Drug Campaign in Ekiti and Kaduna states sponsored by the state NDLEA respectively.
- The focus of the World Mental Health Day locally was young people, which coincided with the launch of Prevention of Drug Cultivation, Abuse and Trafficking by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).
The workshops based on positive mental health messages for young people in schools and colleges across the sixteen local government councils in Ekiti state.